Home Learning - Day 4

Date: 26th Mar 2020 @ 11:42am

Good morning to you, Year 1!


Another bright and sunny morning and a reason to smile and get outdoors!  Make sure you do some work in your pack as well though, either before or after some time outside.  Have you seen or completed the ToDo's on Purple Mash?  I logged on this morning and was delighted to see that quite a number of you have completed the work set and I even received a special little message from Maddison and Scarlet!  Thanks, girls!

I have been thinking about some new ToDo's I can set you and was thinking back to the work we had just started on maps and the points of the compass.  Therefore, see if you can label the points of the compass on the latest ToDo and then another challenge is can you label the capital cities of the countries which make up the United Kingdom?  Good luck to you all!

As well as the work being set on Purple Mash, it is really important to keep up with your reading.  Maybe you've found some new books at home which you are enjoying reading?  I can't wait to hear all about them.  A little bit of daily writing will also be a good idea, to continue working on letter formation, presentation, punctuation and descriptive writing.  Tell your parents that Twinkl are offering a free month subscription at the moment which has so many fantastic resources which you might find interesting and exciting.

Anyway, I am signing off now as I am still trying to set up a display board for you to send any good work in....I'll let you know when it's ready!

Enjoy the rest of your day Year 1, keep smiling and stay safe.

Mrs Taylor x yes