Home Learning - Day 3

Date: 25th Mar 2020 @ 12:31pm

Well hello there Year 1 and a big hi from many of your friends in Year 1 who are here at school with me today,

How are you feeling on day 3 of your time learning at home?  I hope that you are feeling happy and proud of any of the home learning you have done so far and any other special activities you have been enjoying with your family.

The sun is most definitely shining brightly in the sky today so make sure that you are having time outdoors, either enjoying a physical activity or even just taking some time to read a book or draw a picture in this beautiful weather.

I have set you another ToDo on Purple Mash and today it links with the wonderful book 'Hansel and Gretel' which we were reading and doing lots of work about before we finished school last week.  There are two activities for you to complete so I hope you enjoy doing them.  Also, don't forget that all important daily reading and ask Mummy or Daddy to ask you questions about the story and the characters.

One other thing - do you remember how we had begun looking at the sculpture Andy Goldsworthy and his idea of land art?  I am therefore wondering if you could maybe have a go at creating some of your own land art in your gardens.  Think about the different things you could use; the different shapes and patterns you could make and how you could possibly join them together.  I am hoping to set up a notice board on Purple Mash as soon as I can so that you will hopefully be able to send me your creations.  I'll let you know once it is up and ready for you to use.

I'll sign off for now and will blog again tomorrow.  Enjoy the rest of your day Year 1 and keep smiling. smiley

Mrs Taylor laugh

ps - Mrs Duffy sends a big hello to you all.  As I'm the most chattiest out of the two of us, I will probably tend to write on here more often but Mrs Duffy will be popping up from time to time!