Home Learning - 3rd April

Date: 3rd Apr 2020 @ 11:31am

Good morning Reception smiley

How are you feeling today? I hope you are all happy bunnies! Did you join in Joe's fancy dress PE lesson? It was super fun. I dressed up as a cat..MEOW! Max dressed up as Hulk and Lila dressed up as a tiger. I'd love to see a photo if you dressed up too.

Remember- physical activity is a great way to keep fit and is known to boost your brainpower as well as wake you up and make you smile. I have found another fun way to exercise while we are learning from home. Have any of you ever tried Yoga? Here is a link that will take you to great Yoga class. Give it a go! This one is Easter themed.. YAY!  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MEp9euhuu2E&list=PLACt7cM3XSTWSJo9ehU78iQ22iO1BnjcS

I am super proud of how hard every single one of you have worked at home. I would like to give a special thank you to some of our Reception children. Thank you to Edison, Anna, Maddison, Evie, George and Mae for your lovely Emails and photo's you have sent into school. I loved seeing your lovely, smiley faces and hearing all about the fun activities you have been doing smiley  It made me smile from ear to ear!

If you are going to make some sweet treats for Easter, you could design and make your own Easter basket to put them in. You could use empty cardboard boxes and put some decoration on too. I would love to see a picture if you make one.

If you would like to do some more writing this week, I have a great idea! You could write a letter to the Easter bunny. You could tell him about all the fun you've been having, learning at home. He may even write you a letter back. 


You could design and make an Easter card. You are all so brilliant at writing, you could write your own special message to your family inside your card. 

Maths challenge time - Go for a walk in the garden with someone from your family and take two containers. Collect six natural objects in your container and ask your family member to collect 9 objects in their container. How many objects did you find altogether?

Remember to keep looking out for more signs of spring! 

I will end today with  'The Easter Bunny Hokey Cokey'. Make sure your grown ups join in with you Reception, they are sure to have a fantastic time dancing with you. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X2HL2oR94Sw

Have the BEST Easter holiday with your family. Remember, I won't be writing to you over the holiday as you have all earned a well deserved break. Have lots and lots of fun, I look forward to hearing all about it when we return to home learning. 

Take care heart

Big, big hugs from Mrs Amor x