Home Learning - 2nd April

Date: 2nd Apr 2020 @ 10:10am

Good morning Reception smiley

How are you today? Did you start your day with some exercise to wake you all up? I did!

It is very nearly time for Easter, there is only one more day to go until we break up for our Easter holiday. I won't write to you over the Easter Holidays as you are all officially on holiday and deserve a well earned rest. You can have a break from your school work and just have fun - but remember to stay safe. 

After Easter, the hard work starts again and I'll be back in touch everyday with ideas of fun activities to do. 

I am so EGGcited for Easter cheeky are you?

I've been looking for some Easter activities for you all to do.  People often celebrate at Easter by eating chocolate, buns or cakes. Why don't you have a go at making a sweet treat to share with your family. I would love to see a photo of any sweet treats you make. Yummy!!

You could also decorate some hard boiled eggs to make them bright and colourful. You could use pens or paint, you could even add some extra decoration such as feathers, pom poms or googly eyes. What can you turn your egg into? I would love to a photo of your decorated eggs.

Well done again to everybody who is teaching their monster to read! You are all doing so well, I am very proud of you all smiley

When I was reading with my children yesterday, we made a cosy reading den. We used blankets and pillows and used a torch to help us read. Have you ever built a den? Now is the perfect time to have a go at building a den and read your favourite books. I would really love to see a photo of you all inside your reading dens.

You can email stmaryrcbp@sthelens.org.uk to share your news with me. You can send photos too. You might be lucky and be included in Mrs Hymers' weekly newsletter smiley

When you are reading have you remembered to use your finger to help you follow the words you are reading? Are you all sounding out any unfamiliar words? I know you are all doing that anyway, because you are all super star readers! Don't forget there is a super teacher on youtube called 'Mr Mac' who has a phonics lesson everyday to help you remeber our sounds. Give it a go, you will have so much fun. Follow this link, it will take you straight there. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTcZnvuTeovlznioLRo0GOA

I'll finish off today with your favourite 'GoNoodle' dances. Show your grown ups your big smiling faces and groovy moves Reception!!



I will write to you all tomorrow. 

Take care heart

Mrs Amor x