Hinduism Week

Date: 18th Oct 2018 @ 1:41pm

This week at St Mary's, we have been learning all about Hinduism. Last week, we learned all about Judaism. Looking at other religions is very interesting and is something we have found really enjoyable. 

To ensure our Hinduism week was even more interesting, we had a special visitor come and speak to us to tell us all about Hindus and what they believe. On Wednesday, Mrs Mistry came to speak to everyone in the school and we got to ask her lots of questions.

Did you know that the word 'karma' actually comes from the Hindi language? It means 'actions' and the children were interested to learn that karma is all about being choice-makers and doing what is right. 

We also discussed what our Dharma was- Dharma is basically your duty and responsibility. We talked about our duties such as tidying our bedrooms, walking the dog, learning and listening to adults, being respectful and treating people with kindness. 


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In other news, we have been busy bees in Year 6 this week! We took part in our school E-Safety assembly on Monday afternoon, where we shared with parents and relatives what we had learnt about the SMART rules.

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On Tuesday we were lucky enough to go and watch the dress rehearsal of St Peters' performance of 'Little Shop Of Horrors'. It was fantastic: we all thoroughly enjoyed the performance and thought the children were brilliant actors. 

On Wednesday, we had a normal day at school, followed by parents' evening!

As well as fitting in all of these exciting, interesting events, we have had maths, literacy, science, RE, PE, Music and many other lovely lessons!

