Heroes and Villains!

Date: 25th Nov 2019 @ 11:42am

Hello everyone! 

We are really enjoying this half term’s topic, ‘Heroes and Villains’ and have been very busy learning all about a key historical event: The Gunpowder Plot. This happened in 1605 and was an attempt made by a group of men to blow up the Houses of Parliament and kill King James! 

As part of our History work, we have examined objects from the past and present and thought about which ones Guy Fawkes and the plotters might have used. We have used timelines to sequence events from history- including The Gunpowder Plot and also when we were born. We have carried out some role play scenarios imagining what the plotters might have said to one another and have sequenced the key events from the Gunpowder Plot into a booklet. We even made a ‘Wanted’ poster for the King’s bodyguard who betrayed him, Thomas Percy! 

Last week, we were journalists and wrote newspaper reports all about the Gunpowder Plot to inform the public about this shocking plan and how it was foiled. We thought about the job of a ‘headline’ and came up with some catchy ones such as: ‘Plotters’ Plan Revealed!’, ‘Gunpowder Plot Foiled!’ and Plan to Kill King James Uncovered!’ 

Before writing, we looked at an example of ‘What a Good One Looks Like’ ( a ‘WAGOLL) and highlighted any words/phrases that we thought made it a good newspaper report. Following this, we made a word bank of vocabulary that we could use in our reports. We used a checklist to ensure we had included all the necessary elements of a newspaper report- including a headline, byline, orientation, the 5Ws, and a quote.

We still have lots of exciting activities coming up- including making our own moving superheroes and learning about the basic needs of animals- not to mention rehearsing our Nativity and making Christmas cards!



That’s all for now,

Mrs Ryan & The Year 2 Team  smiley