Hello Year 1 Class September 2020

Date: 16th Jul 2020 @ 1:40pm

Hello Year 1 (soon to be Year 2 children…)

I thought I’d write you a note to welcome you all to Y2 and give you a few helpful tips for when you return to school in September.  We are really looking forward to seeing you all. As many of you already know our Y2 class will be taught by myself, Mrs Talbot-Davies and Mrs Ryan.  I teach Monday through to Thursday lunchtime and Mrs Ryan teaches Thursday afternoon and all day Friday.  Mrs O’Donoghue is our teaching assistant and she is with us all week. Mrs Ryan teaches all the topic curriculum (foundation)  -  that is science, history, geography, art and design technology and computing.  I teach the core subjects – Religious Education (Come and See syllabus), maths, English and PSHE. PE will be provided this year by the excellent coaches from Sports 4 Kids.   We work really hard in Y2 but have lots of fun too!  Why not take a look at the curriculum tab on our website and take a look at our autumn term topic, “Passport to the World” and see some of the activities we will be doing and some of the Key Vocabulary that goes with this first topic.

In September I will give you all a letter explaining about our class routines such as homework, home readers, days for PE and extra-curricular clubs, so don’t worry too much about this, it’s very similar to what happens in Y1.

If you would like to continue with some activities to help you prepare for Y2 I have attached a few tasks, in addition to the transition activities set by Mrs Duffy and Mrs Taylor for this week (July 20-22.)   For those of you who have had brothers and sisters in my class you will know I love to do “Get Caught Reading – Summer Challenge”. All I ask is you choose a favourite book to read in an unusual place or imaginative place (staying safe of course!) and ask a grown up to take your photograph, you can bring the photo into school in September or email it and I will print it out.  We will then make a display of these books in our classroom and share our favourite books with one another.

 Knowing your number bonds to 10 and then 20 is important so why not challenge yourself to become super speedy with instant recall of pairs of numbers which add up to 10 and 20. I have attached a worksheet which gives you the chance to improve your time over the four times you try.  Ask a grown up to time you how long it takes to complete a set, then try again on another day after further practice and see if you are any quicker.  What is the best time you can do?

Telling the time to the o’clock and half past is another skill you could practice during the summer holidays.  I have also attached the Y2 Common Exception Word List – there is a list of the words but also a lovely colouring to go with it. You might want to make a start at learning to spell these words.  However don’t worry these words only need to be known by the end of Y2!

Both myself and Mrs Ryan are really looking forward to getting to know all of you in September and being the best Y2 Class we can possibly be!

Have a lovely summer break, stay safe and take care and we will see you all in September.

Mrs Talbot-Davies, Mrs ODonoghue and Mrs Ryan  smiley smiley smiley

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