Health & Wellbeing week - Monday

Date: 18th Jun 2018 @ 3:16pm

Well today saw the launch of Health & Wellbeing week and what a day we've had! smiley

We started with a colouring exercise where we cleared our minds, coloured the intricate pictures and thought about absolutely nothing else for half an hour or so.  We had soft music playing in the background and we were all quiet!  (Well as quiet as any Y6 class can be!).  It was time set aside just for us to think about nothing.   After SAT's it was a lovely way to relax.  cheeky

Next, we went downstairs into the entrance hall where 3 nurses were waiting for us.  They wanted to talk to us about healthy eating and the importance of it;  ourselves and our worries and how to cope with any stresses we may have and lastly, they showed us the dangers of alcohol, cigarettes and drugs.  It was really interesting.  They even gave us some funny glasses to wear which showed how alcohol might affect us.  (Check out the pictures of Harry and Ellie).  Lol  cheeky

After that, we went onto the new track on the playground and walked as far as we could in half an hour.  It was good fun doing it all together - even the teachers did it and even Mrs Hymers did a mile with us.  surprise

Some of us went to work with Mr Barnes, who had come in to teach us some mindfulness techniques.  We had great fun.  He even gave us chocolate!!!   He taught us how to slow down and think about how we are feeling and even taught us how to meditate.  laugh

We then went onto the field and played some circle time games.  It was a good laugh.  We played a few different games eg:  If you were headteacher for the day, what would you do?     What would you do if there was a tiger in school?   If you were a biscuit what would you be?   (This prompted a massive discussion/argument as to whether a Jaffa Cake was a cake or a biscuit!!). blush  Mrs Hrab even managed to scrounge a foot massage off Abbie !! (brave girl). 

Finally we came back into class and drew emojies to show different feelings, eg:  sad, happy, angry, tired etc.  wink

Can't wait for tomorrow!  Beats normal school.

Check out the pictures and see what you think.

Will post more throughout the week.

Mrs Hrab, Miss Barnes and Mrs Hankin.  devil