Health and Wellbeing Week - Thursday

Date: 22nd Jun 2018 @ 1:58pm


We had a visit from Caitlin's mummy this morning. She is a doctor and works in A&E. She told us all about her job and how she helps people get better when they are poorly. We liked looking at the photos of her hospital and the other nurses and doctors. We asked her lots of questions like "How do you fix brains?" and "Why do bones break?" and "How do you take blood from people?". It was very interesting!

We have been talking about having a healthy mind today. Captain Redbeard said that his pirates sometimes feel sad or cross and don't know how to make themselves feel better. So we thought of ways to cheer ourselves up when we're feeling sad or calming down when we feel angry. We also talked about what makes us happy, excited, scared, nervous, angry and upset. We made some emotion collages to show all the different feelings we might have.

To help us to have healthy minds, we did some yoga! We learned how to breathe deeply and tried out some different yoga poses. It was very relaxing.

To finish our day, we had a go at the VERY TALL climbing wall. We were so brave and some of us climbed right to the top! We were also very good at completing the obstacle course. We balanced along the beam, crawled under the net, jumped over the box and through the tunnel. It was so much fun!

We completed another mile today smiley