Health and Wellbeing Week - Tuesday

Date: 20th Jun 2018 @ 4:15pm


We know that eating the right food is a big part of keeping us healthy so we showed the pirates what a healthy meal looks like. We enjoyed eating our healthy snack at snack time. 

We continued with our exercise today with some tennis. We practised some fancy footwork, balancing and coordination to warm up and then had a go at using the tennis rackets and balls. Our coach was really impressed with our fantastic skills and good listening! He told us about the free tennis sessions we can join in with outside of school.

We had a visitor this afternoon from Mrs Parsonage, a dietician. She told us she worked in a hospital and her job is to keep people healthy. We asked her lots of questions like "How do you find out if you're healthy or not?" and "How much food should you eat?" and "Can you tell us some new fruits and vegetables for us to try?" We were excited at the thought of eating Drangon's fruit!

Another mile done and dusted for us yes