Happy New Year!

Date: 10th Jan 2020 @ 10:42am

Hello everybody and happy new year! We hope you all had a lovely Christmas and are feeling refreshed and ready for the new half term J.

This week, we have launched our new topic, ‘Once Upon a Time’. Throughout this topic, we will be sharing some traditional fairy tales- and some slightly more unconventional ones such as the ‘The Three Little Wolves and the Big Bad Pig.’ This week in Literacy, we enjoyed playing ‘Guess Who’ where we wrote character descriptions based on this story.

In our Science lessons, we read ‘The Three Little Pigs’ and talked about the different materials they used to build their houses. We thought about the properties of each material and whether these made it a good or bad choice to build a house with. We decided that the third little pig made the most sensible decision as he chose to build his house from brick which is hard, dense, weather resistant and fire resistant.

This led us to thinking about the uses of materials in everyday objects. We examined a range of items from around school and identified which materials these were made from. We then recorded this information in a table. We noticed that in some cases, different materials can be used to make the same object. For example, a spoon can be made from wood, metal or plastic. We talked about how to decide which type of material to use in different situations.

In Computing, we started data handling. We carried put an investigation to find out which fairy tale character was the most popular and recorded this using pictograms. Over the next few weeks, we will build on this by creating binary trees and databases about different fairy tale characters.

We hope everybody has a lovely weekend!

Mrs Ryan & the Year 2 Team J