Happy New Year!

Date: 10th Jan 2018 @ 12:38pm

Welcome back! We hope all of the children have had a wonderul Christmas with their families. We are already back into the swing of things and are hard at work (as always!)


Come and See


This week, we have started our new topic 'Sources'. We completed the 'Explore' part of the topic, where we had to answer questions about our understanding of books, what kind of books there are and how what we read influences our decisions.  We had to list as many books as we could think of. Some of our examples were:

  • Textbooks 
  • Dictionaries
  • Bibles
  • Scrapbooks
  • Fiction books
  • Phone books
  • Diaries


Other news:

This term, we are starting a new topic, which is all about the Mayans. Our topic is called 'The Lost World' and will last until Easter. As a stunning start to our new, exciting topic, we went into the infant hall to make our very own Mayan hot chocolate. This is simply regular hot chocolate, but with an added kick! We added honey and chilli flakes to our hot chocolate and then enjoyed drinking them as a class.


After drinking this delicious, fiery hot chocolate, we went straight up to class, where we wrote a set of instructions which showed how to make Mayan hot chocolate (no rest for the wicked!) Our instructions were clear, simple to follow and contained all of the appropriate features such as simple, step by step tasks, bullet points and an introduction and conclusion.



In science this week, we have brought our topic of 'Light' to an end. We learnt about shadows and how they are always the same shape as the objects that cast them. In order to learn this, we needed to get practical! Miss Barnes gave us the exciting task of creating our very own shadow puppet show. We were split into groups and had to create puppets and perform a scene from a popular children's story. Our performances were great and we experimented with the size of our puppets by moving them closer to and further away from the light source. We also then wrote about what we had learned.