Happy Christmas

Date: 21st Dec 2017 @ 10:18am

Well we've managed to get to the end of the term!  Who'd have thought it laugh


We have been delighted with the children this term.   Not only have they been trying with their school work, but the way that they applied themselves to learning their lines for the play and the way that they sang in church yesterday has been truly amazing.

When you see them like that they really do shine!   You could be mistaken for thinking that they are all little angels angel  but obviously WE KNOW BETTER KIDS devil


On behalf of myself, Miss Barnes and Mrs Hankin, we would like to wish you all a very Happy Christmas.  Be safe and look after each other.

We will see you all in the New Year where the fun really starts wink

Enjoy yourselves and if you get a bit bored one day have a look over your times tables crying

Can we thank you all for your good wishes and very kind gifts.  cheeky It is very humbling to receive all these gifts for doing a job that we love and we want you to know that they are very much appreciated.  

See you in the New Year. 

Mrs Hrab cheekycheeky