Half term

Date: 21st May 2021 @ 2:11pm

What a fabulous end to a very busy half term!

In Come and See we have started our new topic ‘Choices’.  We have discussed different choices we make throughout the day and re-told the story of The Two Sons. 

This week we have been continuing our ancient Greece topic and we have started reading some Greek myths.  We have written some fabulous character descriptions all about Cerberus the three headed dog and we have created our own mythical beast.  We have had some wonderful concoctions from a fly with an elephant trunk to a lion head with wings and a snake’s tail.  In history, we have been learning more about the Athenian democracy and the legacy they created.   Take a look at the pictures at the bottom of the blog to see some of our wonderful creations. 

All of Year 3 have worked really hard and I am very proud of you.

I hope you all have a wonderful, relaxing holiday and I look forward to seeing you after half term.