Guy Fawkes and The Gunpowder Plot

Date: 5th Dec 2018 @ 1:32pm

As part of our 'Heroes and Villains' topic, we have travelled back in time to 1605 and have been learning all about Guy Fawkes and the famous Gunpowder Plot.

 As part of our History work, we have compared differences between then and now- examining objects that Guy Fawkes may and may not have used. We have used timelines to sequence key events from the past and have arranged events from the gunpowder plot in chronological order. We have even had a go at some role play and 'hot seated' Guy Fawkes, Thomas Percy and King James I. 

Following on from this, we were journalists and wrote some super newspaper reports describing the key events from The Gunpowder Plot. Like real reporters, we carefully planned and drafted our newspaper articles before writing our final versions. We worked really hard and some of us even included quotes from eye witnesses!

A part of our Computing work, we used a program called 'Word Art' to create some eye-catching images in the shape of bonfires, crowns and other shapes using key words from our topic. We carefully selected the font styles, colours and sizes that we thought would best show off our ideas. 

To finish our topic, we are going to create PowerPoint presentations all about The Gunpowder Plot and will change the layout of our slides and use pictures and sounds to make our presentations really interesting. We will also be creating some moving superheroes using sliders, levers and wheels in our DT lessons.

All in all, we have really enjoyed this topic and Mrs Ryan has been super impressed with all the hard work that everyone has put into their learning.