Goodbye Year 2

Date: 19th Jul 2018 @ 2:56pm

Well that's it - we have finally reached the end of term (well for me - tomorrow for the rest of you).  We have had a great year, worked really hard and had lots of fun along the way.  I have loved teaching you and getting to know all your personalities.  Wefinished this morning with a showcase of all our "talents" and you made me laugh, cry and gasp in amazement at some of your hidden talents!

Thank you to all the parents and carers for all of the support you have offered this year, it's part of what makes St Mary's a special place. Thanks once again for all the cards, wishes and gifts it is really appreciated.

I hope you all have an enjoyable and relaxing break with your families and I will see you in September.

Mrs Talbot-Davies and the Y2 team.