Funky Fingers / Mindfulness

Date: 6th Nov 2018 @ 2:48pm

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At St Mary's, we love taking part in clubs! Our school offers a variety of clubs that cover lots of different skills and hobbies. 

Since returning from the October break, we have two new clubs that take place during lunchtimes on Mondays and Tuesdays (Funky Fingers and Mindfulness club). This blog will tell you a little more about both of these clubs and the kind of things we do at them. There are also photographs throughout the blog so you can see exactly what we get up to!

Monday - Funky Fingers

Image result for funky fingers

Funky Fingers club takes place on a Monday lunchtime between 1:00 and 1:30pm. Children who attend Funky Fingers have been personally invited and come to strengthen their fine motor skills. Fine motor skills are vital skills that we need to do important things in life, such as writing. By practising and refining our fine motor skills, our handwriting will improve, as will our strength and ability to take part in fine motor activities. 

At Funky Fingers, different tables hold different activities. None of these activities include writing (which we were thrilled to hear!) As you can see from the photographs below, our activities are fun, engaging and wide-ranging:

* Tweezing - we use child-sized tweezers to pick up objects and transfer them to bowls or cups. We do this while listening to funky music!

* Threading - we have beads and string and we use them to create patterns, make bracelets, as well as refining those fine motor skills.

* Spinning tops - we have two spinning top challenge tables, where we are encouraged to spin the spinning tops for as long as possible. We even compete against each other to see who can spin theirs for the longest.

* Halloween special (Spider Hunt) - we have a large basket that is covered in cobwebs. Our job is to remove the spiders, which are trapped underneath the cobwebs, using the giant tweezers. The challenging part is managing to pick up the spiders without touching the cobwebs!


Tuesday - Mindfulness

On Tuesdays, we like to relax, de-stress and enjoy some quiet time at Mindfulness club. This club takes place on Tuesdays from 1:00pm to 1:30pm and children come to this club as a result of showing interest. 

At the club, we take part in lots of different activities such as mindfulness colouring, describing what makes us happy, talking about our worries, meditating and listening to calming, relaxing music. The club has a wonderful, peaceful atmosphere and we enjoy spending some quiet time together away from the chaos of the school day.