Friday 8th May VE Day Blog Week 5

Date: 8th May 2020 @ 3:46pm

Good afternoon, everybody!

A very brief blog today. I hope you are all enjoying the VE Day celebrations- did you manage to do your minute's silence at some point today?

Here is a picture of some of our VE Day decorations :)

Make sure you send in pictures of your VE Day celebrations!

Just a couple of mentions and pictures to share:

Dylan sent in a few pictures of him enjoying his birthday, yesterday. Here he is with his Harry Potter cake. I'm so glad you had a super day, Dylan :)



Here are some figures to show you all just how well you are doing as a class!

What this show us compared to the first week you logged on:

a) you are faster

b) more of you are logging on

c) you are spending longer on Rockstars

d) you are getting more questions correct than you were before


Check out the targets underneath each section- let's see if we can smash it this next week!

Mrs Hymers has made her way back up to the top because of her speed. Let's see who can beat her first!


Dylan, Ben, Lily and Molly are all ROCK LEGENDS!


Zoe, Amelie and Eleanor and Headliners and Support Acts!


Well done, you lot!

Please keep sending me any work or pictures, children that I can use for the blogs, or that can be put in the school newsletter. It is so lovely to stay in touch with you all! Keep posting on your class blog, too! I will be setting a challenge on there next week.

Anway, have a wonderful long weekend. Remember to say a little prayer at some point today, for all of the people we are thankful for making VE Day possible. 

I will be blogging bright and early on Monday! :)

Stay safe and keep smiling!

Miss Davies