Friday 3rd July

Date: 3rd Jul 2020 @ 9:28am

*Note to parents -  Please note, activities are not compulsory. Try to spend only a few minutes at a time playing the games and make them lots of fun for your child – little and often is best. All games and activities can be revisited throughout summer.

Friday's activity will focus on Maths. In the Early Years Foundation Stage, Mathematics is broken down into two aspects:

  • Numbers
  • Shape, Space and Measures


Good morning children smiley

How are you all feeling today? It is very rainy outside today, can you hear the rain splashing against your window?

Thank you to Olivia, Ellis, Robyn and Rosie who sent me an email to tell me all about their sound hunts. I loved reading them. You all looked like you were having so much fun!

Today, I would like you to help your grown up. Do you think you can do that?

 Can you help your grown up to set the table at mealtimes? Before you set the table you will need to think, how many plates will you need? How many cups will you need? How many forks willl you need?

If one more person came for dinner, how many plates would you need?

If one person wasn't home for dinner, how many plates would you need?


Say A Big Hello!

Thank you to everyone who has sent a lovely photograph in to school. Miss Davies is busy making a very special blog page, where you will be able see a photograph of your new school friends. How exciting! Keep checking our Rising Reception page, as it will be uploaded very soon!

Have a wonderful day children. I will write to you all on Monday.

Take Care heart

Mrs Amor x