Friday 3rd April

Date: 3rd Apr 2020 @ 9:57am

Gooooooooood Morning! 

Well, another week is almost done. You have been learning at home for two full weeks now, although it feels much longer than that. Are you all missing school? I certainly am! 

Today is our final day of Spring term. I won't be blogging over the next two weeks because it is your Easter holidays. During this time, I won't be setting extra work to do as you have all earned a break and need some time to switch off and chill. I have set some 2dos on Purple Mash for those of you who feel that you would like to keep busy (I have been asked to by a few children), but please don't feel that you have to do them. I would love you to continue with Times Tables Rockstars over the Easter break, though. Nobody has managed to catch up to me yet- come on, Year 6!

Speaking of Purple Mash, I have now closed all of your other 2dos. You will find them in your pupil folders if you want to have another look over them and celebrate what you have done. They will be in your folders in a sub folder called 'Done 2dos'. 

As next week is Easter week, it might be nice to visit the CAFOD website, as there are some lovely activities you can complete which will show you just what life is like for children all around the world. is the link you can follow. It is also important to remember the meaning of  Easter to us, as Christians. It's not all about chocolate eggs and rabbits, remember. It would be lovely if you could remind yourselves of the message of Easter and how it affects our lives. Maybe you could design a poster, write a diary entry from the perspective of Jesus or one of his disciples after The Last Supper, create a storyboard of the Easter story, or you could write a poem about what Easter means to us. I would love it if you could do something relating to the religious aspect of Easter: if you do, please email it to our school address ( so I can see. You never know, your work might even be published on the blog after the Easter break! 

Now, today I am going to give a special mention to a couple of people. Firstly, Lila has really impressed me with the work she has completed online. Not only is she completing her 2dos to a very high standard, but she also managed to set up and run a miniature golf course in her back garden! Lila, I would love to see photographs of your course. 

My next special mention goes to Caitlin. From day 1 of home learning, Caitlin has been an absolute superstar. She has completed every task I have set her, and she has even done extra work. In her spare time, Caitlin completed a book review about the book 'Billionaire Boy' by David Walliams. You will find a photograph of this below. 

My next special mention goes to Aaron. He is working very hard on Purple Mash to complete the work I have set for him. Keep up the good work, Aaron!

Finally, I have got to give a big shout out to Hope. You are now a Rockstar LEGEND! You are shooting up the leaderboard, well done! 

Over the past few days, I have been leaving clues about a skill I am going to be learning while we are away from school. I have had a few guesses, and can announce that someone has guessed correctly . This morning, I received an email from Harry, who asked if I would be learning a musical instrument. This is correct! Which instrument do you think I am going to learn to play? Today's clue is that the origin of my instrument comes from Hawaii. If you think you know which instrument this is, get in touch and let me know. 

That's all from me for now. Remember, I won't be blogging over the next two weeks as it is your school holiday. Make sure you have some relaxation time and remember to have fun. You could try learning a new skill, too. Keep safe and keep smiling and I will speak to you all very soon.


Lots of love

Mrs Naylor  laugh