Friday 27th March

Date: 27th Mar 2020 @ 8:10am

Good Morning, Guys! 

Well, we made it through the first week of home learning (and so did your parents-yay!) I don't know about you, but I have really missed being in class, listening to all of your crazy jokes and ideas. I hope you are all well and that you have had a productive week at home. I have been working hard trying to make our curriculum as exciting as possible for when we return to school. Watch this space! 

Yesterday, I set some 2dos on Purple Mash and I must say, I have been so impressed by those of you who have already made a start. I have read all work that has been started and I have left comments for those of you who have finished. Remember to try your best at all times- even online- as I want to be impressed. If you check our class display board on Purple Mash, you will see some examples of work that has been completed. A special mention must go to Harry and Maizie. Harry, you have already made a great start on your Purple Mash work. Well done. Maizie, you are blowing me away with your speed on Times Tables Rockstars!  Keep practising. 

Speaking of Times Tables Rockstars, I have set you a weekly task to complete. For those of you who went online yesterday, you may have noticed that I also set up a teacher vs children challenge (in all honesty, I didn't stand a chance against all of you! Other teachers, get involved please!) Maya from Year 5 was a fantastic opponent in particular. 

Dom't forget to get active throughout the day. Joe Wicks' P.E. lessons are still taking place every day on his YouTube channel- TheBodyCoachTV. If you have missed any of his lessons this week, episodes are there to catch up on. If you prefer to dance, Oti from Strictly Come Dancing is also hosting daily dance lessons via her YouTube channel.  Both of these are great ways to let off some steam, have fun and get your blood pumping!

On another note, today is a beautiful day. Make the most of it by going outside and getting some fresh air. You could do some exercise outside, take your learning pack outside, or you could even go outside for a short break from all the hard work you are undoubtedly doing. Please remember to have some fun, too! Get on your trampoline, bake a cake, do some crafting or spend time doing something you love. It is really important that you keep smiling and keep having fun. 

Speaking of having fun, if you get up to something exciting during this time, please feel free to email school and share! Tom and his brother Louie have been working hard recycling a storage container into a planter. Here you can see a picture of  Tom with his creation. Tom- I am so impressed! You will have to send us some pictures of your cucumbers, marrows and leeks once they have grown! 

Finally, although we are not in school, please make sure you are reading every single day. Daily reading is something we need to keep up with. Whether it is a reading comp test, a book you have at home or a story on Serial Mash, please keep reading. Once you have finished a book, there is a book review template in your packs: please try to complete a review for each book you have read. If your parents / carers want to get involved, they could try asking you some questions to check your understanding of the text:

  • What is the main character feeling at this point in the story? How do you know?
    Why did the author choose the phrase...?
    Can you summarise the story so far in one paragraph?
  • Why does the character do / say ...?
    Find and copy one word / phrase that shows...
  • What kind of features does this text have?
    What genre is this text?
    Can you write the next chapter in the style of the author? 


That's it from me for now; I will be back in touch next week to see how you are all getting on. Keep working hard!

Mrs Naylor  laugh