Friday 24th April

Date: 24th Apr 2020 @ 11:59am

Morning, you lot! 

I hope you are well and are enjoying the sunshine. Haven't we been lucky with the weather? I've been spending lots of time out in the garden, reading and exercising. I am reading a very interesting book at the moment about the Second World War. Us teachers are constantly learning, too! One of the things I have learned is that the prisoners who were sent to the concentration camps were tattooed on their wrist as they entered. They weren't known as people from then on in, they were just numbers. Things like this really hit home with me and make me feel sad for all of those who suffered. I hope you are learning lots about the Second World War. Logan certainly has been: he has sent me an email with some fantastic artwork he has produced which is inspired by a documentary he watched about WWII. Well done, Logan, it's great to see you putting in that extra effort. Superstar! 


Remember, today is the day BBC Bitesize are providing a lesson about transition to high school. Have a look at it and let me know what you think. While you're there, why not have a little look at the other lessons, too? They will help you to remember all that fantastic learning you've done. 

Next, I have to give another shout out to Beau. Beau has been working extremely hard at home and is constantly keeping me up to date with his achievements. Beau, I am very proud of you! You are working hard every day and also having some fun, too, which is very important. Beau spent some time yesterday producing a poster all about St. George. Here it is! 


That's all for today, guys. Don't forget to keep working on your projects and please feel free to email them to me at our school email address. is the address you can send it to. 

Have a great weekend, stay safe and I will be in touch again on Monday. Bye for now! 

Mrs Naylor  smiley