Friday 24th April Blog

Date: 24th Apr 2020 @ 10:36am

Hello everybody!

It’s Friday- another week of home school officially over!

I have to admit- I really miss seeing your little faces every day! I’m sure we’ll be back before we know it!

So, give yourselves a big pat on the back if you know you have worked hard and tried your very best this week!


Today is the first day of Ramadan for people of Islamic faith (Muslims). Ramadan is a time for spiritual reflection and greater devotion for Muslim people, and during the month it is observed, they will fast (not eat or drink) between dawn and sunset, as this is seen as something that shows greater devotion to their faith. This will be difficult to do, for most people though, because they are unable to visit family/friends and mosques at the moment.

If you are interested, here is a CBBC website with some more information and a video to watch about Ramadan:



So, I have an exciting app to tell you all about!

As you all know, it is really important whilst we can’t get out as much, to stay as active as we can.

So, do you all like sports?

Do you all like watching videos?

Do you like making videos?

Do you all like a challenge?

Then this app is for you!

It is called TopYa! and you can download it on any tablet or smartphone for FREE, and join in with the School Games Active Championships, where you can watch free active challenges on a video that professionals upload every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. You practice the challenges, then record yourself doing your best version and submit it on the app for personal coaches to give you advice or feedback about your performance!

Videos mean points…

Points mean PRIZES!

You can start with ‘Samplers’ to find something for your skill level. Head-to-Head challenges help you create your own move and challenge people from all over the world on the app, where the videos are jugded and a winner is chosen! You can even vote on other people’s challenges, too!

It is a very safe app, and if an adult wants more information, they can visit this website, but you MUST GET PERMISSION first as an adult MUST CREATE YOUR ACCOUNT FOR YOU.

All you have to do is:

  • Download the app
  • Create a ‘player’ account (Use a made-up username and safe password, remember)
  • Use the access code 23880
  • Select Primary School League


Other work you could do:

Remember, WHITE ROSE maths still have daily lessons for you to do. They are really worth it and are a great challenge to have a go at!

Purple Mash- I have set another 2do on Purple Mash for SPaG about Word Class sorting to recap which words go into which category- have a go and remember to read the instructions.

(If anybody is still having trouble logging in to Purple Mash, please email school to let me know and I will try and sort it for you).

I have also uploaded an activity at the bottom of the page, for you to have a go at this weekend if you get bored!

Also, remember to keep reading and trying to complete those quizzes on Purple Mash, or ask an adult to question you!


Here are a few more wonderful emails I have received:

For all you space fans-

Elisha sent me a really exciting email about the Falcon 9 rocket she watched take off online from Cape Canaveral in Florida, which was carrying Starlink Satellites into orbit around the earth! She even got to see the booster land back on a raft on earth, and most importantly, got to see the rocket pass over her house just 20 minutes after she watched it launch- how awesome is that?!

Here is a picture she sent of the booster returning to earth, and the rocket carrying on its journey:

Thank you, Elisha!


Maya also sent in a fantastic poem she has written-




I absolutely love this, Maya- it is very positive, which is what we all need, and it rhymes perfectly, too. A very well done!

Lucy S has sent me another diary entry, too and says she is enjoying doing Joe Wicks and reading plenty, too! She also says she likes her bed too much in the morning- don’t we all ‘ey? 😊

I cannot tell you how lovely it is to see and hear from you all!



Class information first:

  • 53% of you (just over half of you) have been on Times Tables Rockstars this week, that’s 10% more than the 1st week you started! Well done!!
  • Your scores are 90% accurate- just 1% less than the first week- not a big drop, but let’s push that up!
  • The average amount of time each of you spend on TT Rockstars is 1 minute 56 seconds.
  • Your average speed per question is 3.79 seconds- 0.2 seconds quicker than the 1st week.

Let’s have a big effort next week to improve those scores even more!

However, check out the following people, who have been recognised as regular visitors to TT Rockstars and are working their way up the leaderboard!!

  • Amelie- Support Act
  • Zoe-Headliner
  • Ben, Lily and Molly are Rockstars
  • Finally- some mind-blowing news:
  • DYLAN is not only a Rock Legend, but has 108,170 lifetime coins and is officially…

TOP OF THE LEADERBOARD for the school!!!!

He has even beat Mrs Hymers to the top!

How amazing is that everyone?

A massive WELL DONE Dylan! I am so thrilled you are enjoying the challenge so much!

Come on the rest of you- you’ve got some scores to beat!


Finally children, make sure you all have a rest this weekend- you deserve it!

I am in school all week next week, but I will still be blogging each day- don’t worry!

Stay safe, stay at home and be happy!

Bye for now,

Miss Davies 😊

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