Friday 22nd May Blog Week 7

Date: 21st May 2020 @ 9:03pm

Hello everyone!

Welcome to the last blog of the week, and the last blog for the two-week, half-term break!

You’ve done it!  You’ve got through it to another half- term!

I hope you have all had a successful week learning and have had plenty to do.

Over the next few weeks, I wouldn’t be expecting you to do any work, so I won’t be setting any for you on Purple Mash, but feel free to keep blog posting and going on TT Rockstars if you run out of things to do. I will try and check them as much as I can, but there is no pressure for you to do anything as it is important you have a break.

Talking of TT ROCKSTARS:

Here are the statistics for the week (compared to last week):


These numbers are FANTASTIC children! You have really put in so much effort, and I am so proud of you all 😊


I say it a lot, but I have loved seeing all of the super work you have been doing at home over the past 7 +weeks and I hope you are all proud of yourselves, too!


Just a few things to share with you for TODAY-

  • I have attached the Y5 Summer Maths and English Activity packs for you at the bottom of the page. They will probably be useful for after half-term is over as well, as there are lots of great activities in them!



  • Finally, I have attached a GoNoodle colouring sheet for you to do.

Otherwise children, whatever you do over the next couple of weeks- enjoy the time off. Take LOTS of pictures of the things you do and do what makes you HAPPY.

Learn something new

Cook/bake something

Be creative

Just be yourselves and do what you are passionate about.

I will be blogging again on Monday the 8th June- so keep an eye out that morning.  


Bye for now!

Keep being awesome, all of you!

Miss Davies 😊

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