Friday 1st May Blog- Day 5, Week 4

Date: 30th Apr 2020 @ 5:37pm

Hello everyone!

Well, Friday is here again, and it is the 1st May!

These weeks seem to be going a little quicker lately, I don’t know about you lot?

Firstly, well done to all of the children posting on our new class blog- I am absolutely loving reading your posts. It is great to see some of you posting the work tasks that I have set you, on there. It is also lovely to see some of you writing really kind messages on each other’s posts so well done!


I have spent quite a lot of my week this week in school, contacting your parents, and speaking to most of you, to check-in and see how you are all getting on. It made my week being able to have a chat and find out what you have been up to and how you are getting on with your home learning 😊

I know it is getting a little bit more boring for some of you at the moment, and many of  you are missing your friends and school a lot, but we must also try our best to stay positive and keep in mind the good things that are coming from this- you can work with fewer people distracting you in class, and you can even find time to learn new skills, too - so you might also be able to get more done.  

We should just remember that this is not forever, and that we can make the most of this special time we have with our families as well, and to stay fit and healthy and look after each other. Most of you have some way of contacting your friends and family, as not so long ago, people didn’t have mobile phones, tablets, or computers to do any of that.

We are lucky, and blessed to be safe and well😊


Work wise:

Some of you have been keen to do more Reading Comprehensions, as you may have already finished the Kent Consultants Tests I put in your Home Learning packs. If you still have them- don’t worry, this activity will still be on the blog ready for you to print if you need it-

Below is another YEAR 5 READING ASSESSMENT file for you to print off.

There is also some information for an adult to look at, as well. I will upload the answers for you a little later on today.



Friday is ‘Challenge Day’ on BBC Bitesize, so for Maths, there are 6 White Rose Maths Challenges on the website.

There is also some more reading for you about a mystery on the London Eye.

Finally, there is a music lesson called ‘Duration, tempo and Beethoven’.

Here is the website where you will find all of the lessons above:


Well done to the following people who it tells me have logged into TT Rockstars this week!

Zoe, Lily, Ben, Elisha, Dylan, Oliver S


That’s all for me today, guys. So, keep moving, keep smiling and stay positive!

I hope you all have a lovely weekend, ready for another fab week of home learning on Monday morning!

Miss Davies 😊

Files to Download