Friday 17th July

Date: 17th Jul 2020 @ 8:35am

Well, what a day yesterday was!

Are you all aching today? I wouldn't be surprised if you were! We had lots of fun at PGL day yesterday and it was so lovely to have the whole class in together for the first time since March. I hope you all enjoyed it- the pictures I've taken certainly show lots of smiling, happy faces. 

Now today is the last day to complete the tasks I set you on Monday. If you haven't been in school this week, or you have but you didn't complete your hopes and dreams and your favourite memory / what you are proud of, could you please complete it today and email it to school? These are going to go on the leavers' PowerPoint for our celebration in the Autumn term, so it would be wonderful to have every single one of you involved.

Next week, I will be giving you some more transitional work to complete for your high schools to get you a little more prepared for September. There are only 3 school days left until the end of the year crying but for lots of you, today is your last day in school. 


Before I sign off, I received a gorgeous email yesterday from Ben O'Brien's mum and dad. I have been asked to share it with you all, so please see below. 


Dear Y6 parents & children,

I just wanted to take some time to say how much myself and Phil have appreciated your love and support over the past 7 year with our gorgeously individual Son Ben. 

Ben has loved his time at Birchley St.Mary's and that's down to all of your wonderful, loving and good-natured children, each one an absolute credit to you all.

We wish you all the best for your onward journeys into high school and as always sending you all love and warm wishes for your future.

We will never forget you all. 


Lots of love,


Jo, Phil & Ben O'Brien xx


Have a great weekend, everyone, and I will be in touch again on Monday with some transition tasks for you to complete.


Mrs Naylor heart