Friday 17th July Blog

Date: 9th Jul 2020 @ 2:22pm

Hi all 😊

Friday is finally here, and it is the end of your last full week in Year 5! sadlaugh

So let’s see what Friday has in store:


My task: TT Rockstars and 2do on Purple Mash- Angles in a triangle

BBC Bitesize: Challenge of the week.



My task: Edit and improve your story from yesterday

Home Learning Pack: Write a Story & ‘Not Even a Whisper’ Reading Comprehension

BBC Bitesize: Reading- Bitesize Daily Book Club- It's all about the reader


Topic work:

 BBC Bitesize: Cooking- cook pancakes on the hob.

Today is also 'World Emoji Day'. Here is the website for cool ideas on how to celebrate it:

I have also attached some activities at the bottom of the page!



As you end this week, some of you may be feeling mixed emotions- sadness, worry, happiness (that home learning is soon over and the holidays are beginning). However you are feeling, I want you to remember this-

You are a generation of some of  the bravest, strongest and special children ever, to have got through one of the most difficult times our world has ever seen. You have faced things you have never faced before- staying away from your family, friends and school. Learning at home and trying your best to stay happy and healthy. You should be hugely proud of yourselves, and although your time in Y5 is over, we have a new beginning ahead to look forward to :) 

Lastly, and most importantly I want to say an enormous THANK YOU to you all for the lovely presents that have been sent in to school for me. It is extremely kind of you and it is truly and sincerely appreciated. Please pass this message on to any of your parents for me , too :)


Don't forget- I will still be posting on Monday- Wednesday next week with a message from Mrs Naylor and some activities to help you  move on and prepare for Y6! 



Have a wonderful weekend you lovely lot!!

Stay safe!


Write to you all on Monday 😊

Miss Davies

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