Friday 15th May Blog Week 6

Date: 14th May 2020 @ 11:20pm

Good morning everybody!

Well done for getting to the end of another week of home schooling. You are all superstars!

How did you get on with the Brazil work yesterday, if you managed to do it?

And what about the maths money challenge?

Millie created a fantastic presentation about her favourite animal, that I want to share with you all- have a look at the bottom of the page at the link. Here is a sneak peek:


Also look at this amazing Beatriz Milhazes work Amelie sent on her blog yesterday. This is exactly the kind of thing I was looking for, Amelie. Well done! 😊


TT Rockstar scores this week are awesome by the way. Check them out:

Dylan is back in 1st place! Well done 😊

Sonny and Ben are catching up in 6th and 7th place and are ROCK LEGENDS!

So are Molly, Maya, Lily and Eleanor!

James, Lucy S and Amelie are now ROCK STARS!


Here is the information that tells me how you are getting on as a class, since the first 7 days you went on:



Also, I have noticed when I look at how you are getting on, that 8x4 seems to be the times table that people get wrong the most. Have a look at your class ‘heatmap’ which tells me which times tables you are the best at:



The more ‘green’ the square is, the better you all are at each times table. You are clearly realllllllly good at them already, but there are one or two that you could still work on getting even quicker at.

So here are some things to look at that might help you remember 8 x 4 first of all:



You will find the tool above when you scroll down on TT Rockstars- it says ‘interactive tools’. You can change the times table at the bottom and look at different ways you can remember 8 X 4.

Here is another example that might help you, as well.


There are quite a few of you that haven’t been on over these past few weeks. Try and do some catching up children- it’s still possible! 😊



Wonderful work:

Today is ‘International Day of Families’

  • I thought it would be great to get some of you writing again, so it might be a good idea to write a short story with the title ‘My family is special because…’, or ‘Why my family is so special’, and for you to write down all of the reasons why you think your family is fantastic! You could:

-Share funny memories

-Describe what they look like/ what they wear

-Write about their favourite things

-Explain what makes them unique

And much more!


  • You could also create a family portrait of every body’s faces (find the file at the bottom of this page).
  • There is a French family members wordsearch for you to have a go at, too!
  • Finally, have a go at this quick maths quiz: (remember to get permission from an adult and never share your information)

I will be setting plenty more activities for you next week, children, including more art work.

Remember to keep reading,  and have a look on BBC Bitesize if you are stuck for things to do.


Have a wonderful weekend, everybody. I will be in school next week, but still blogging every day and trying to go on Purple Mash as much as I can.

Stay safe.

Stay happy.

Miss Davies

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