Friday 12th June Blog

Date: 11th Jun 2020 @ 5:58pm


Another week over, children! Well done for getting through it and working so hard!

What has been your favourite thing to do this week, I wonder?



I HAVE to share some of the work I have been sent this week:

Millie and Lottie have been so busy making a start on their Local History Projects- I am very proud, girls!


Millie wrote this AMAZING letter the other day, about her family, and their connections with St Helens. I am fascinated to hear that her Grandad actually worked at Pilkington Glass, which is the main subject of our topic! WOW! You’ll be able to get plenty of information from him, Millie- probably much more than I know!

Also, Millie, your letter is so beautifully written, and there are some very kind words in there that really made me smile- a huge well done to you!



Lottie was INSPIRED yesterday by the information about the Victorian Workhouses, and because she loves history so much, she decided to do her own research and even create an old map of a workhouse. Isn’t that fascinating, too?

How very wonderful that you used your initiative, Lottie, to research something you are interested in, and produce this very realistic map. Well done!


I cannot tell you how much it makes my day to hear/ see what you have been up to children, and I'm sure your classmates love seeing what you are up to, as well! Keep the excellent work coming in 😊



So, quick question for you- has anybody found out why ST HELENS is called ‘St Helens’? Or how ‘Billinge’ got its name, yet?

As we have seen already with Millie’s grandad, some of you may have family members (parents, grandparents,aunties, uncles etc) who have lived in this area all of their lives.

You could use this opportunity indoors (if they don’t mind, and in their free time), to ask or ring people and see if they would tell you a little bit about what it was like in this area when they were younger?

You could ask them what might have changed since then?

Maybe buildings are different? They might tell you about the transport, or the food they ate, or what they used to do for entertainment and games?

Maybe some things haven't changed so much?

This is all very useful information for your projects!

Don’t forget, you can present your projects in any way you like- a poster, a PowerPoint presentation, a booklet, a leaflet or whatever you like!



I have set you another SPaG activity on Purple Mash to complete 😊


Some of you may have already noticed yesterday, that the answers were already with the sheets I attached for the Measurement work- oops!

I have, however, left you another measurement sheet to have a go at, at the bottom of the page again- I have also put a 'Knowledge Organiser' with it, which will help you convert the metric measurements, and shows you the vocabulary for that subject. 

Metric means 'a standard unit of measurement' and is the system of measurement used in most countries- including the UK!

In the USA, they use something called the Imperial system, which is an older system with measurements such as feet, pounds and inches. We used to use these in the UK too, and some people still like to, today!

You will be learning how to convert with imperial measurements, but stick to metric for now :) 


On a final note- TT ROCKSTARS!

It seems TT Rockstars has been very popular with most of you, which is amazing to see!

I can see that the following people have been on this week :

Lexie, James, Lucy S, Dylan, Millie, Molly, Maya, Lily, George, Oliver B, Amelie, Zoe, Anna and Sonny :)

That's 47% of you!

Maya has earned 10,064 coins this week! WELL DONE MAYA!


Super work, children. Keep it up! Remember to encourage people if they haven't been on, so we can get that class score up!


I am going to be in school with the Key Worker groups as of next week, but I will still be blogging every single day, so keep your eyes peeled for plenty more activities.

Write to you all on Monday.

Have a wonderful weekend, all of you. Stay active, stay safe, and remember-


Miss Davies 😊

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