Friday 10th July

Date: 6th Jul 2020 @ 3:05pm

*Please note that the suggested activities are not compulsory. They should be lots of fun and engaging for your child. Little and often is always best; spending just a few minutes at a time playing the games. All games and activities can be revisited throughout summer. 



Today's activities will focus on Maths. Maths is broke down into two aspects:

  • Numbers
  • Shape, Space and Measures



Happy Friday everyone!

This is the last game from me. Mrs Amor will be writing to you next week and will be sending some more fun things to do. Remember, all the games we send you can be played again and again 😊


Nature Hunt

Do you like being outside? I do! I love going for long walks and getting some fresh air!

For today’s game you’ll need to pop your coat on and head outside to the garden or go for a walk.

Can you be an explorer and find some treasure? You might need a bag or a pot to hold it all! Can you find:







Now, see if you can sort them into groups. Can you count how many of each you have? Tell your grown-up which group has the most and which has the least. Do any groups have the same amount?




Thank you so much for playing along this week. Have you had fun? I’ve loved reading your messages and seeing your photos.

I can’t wait to meet you and your grown-ups! See you soon.

Miss Davies heart