First Week Of Reception

Date: 4th Sep 2020 @ 4:02pm

Hello everyone smiley


What a fantastic week we have had. The children have been amazing! We have had so much fun and made new friends.  Well done to you all, you have all been superstars.

I hope you are excited to come back to school next week; we can’t wait to see you.


School Dinners

To accommodate eating lunch in the class room, our menu may be adjusted at times.



Just a little note to remind you, we are a nut free school. Please can you check snack and packed lunches, to ensure food items do not contain any nuts.



The children have loved playing in our mud kitchen this week. If you haven’t already, please could you send some wellies into school. We will continue to play outside in all weather and we don’t want any soggy feet cheeky


I hope you all have a lovely weekend.

See you next week,

Mrs Amor