FINAL BLOG Wednesday 22nd July

Date: 18th Jul 2020 @ 5:15pm

Well Year 5,

The day has finally arrived for me to post one last blog to you as Year 5 children!

I really hope you are all feeling positive and excited about what’s to come next year?

Try not to think of this as a wasted year, but of a year that has been full of different challenges that will prepare you for the future, just as much (if not more) than an extra few months in Year 5 would have.

This past 4 months have been very strange, and I am desperately sad that I won’t be your teacher in September as it feels as though our time was cut short, but you must remember that I will ALWAYS be somebody you can come to for advice, help, or just a natter! I will certainly be looking forward to seeing you all (no doubt much taller) as Year 6 in September!

I cannot tell you how absolutely proud I am of you all, and how thrilled I am that I got to know you all just enough to see what wonderful little people every single one of you is.

Remember- make use of the booklets I posted on Monday, along with the worries/things you are looking forward to worksheet. Re-read Mrs Naylor’s letter, too when you feel you need to.

Most importantly, enjoy a well-earned break over Summer.

Stay safe and be happy!

Finally, thank you! Thank you for being such a pleasure to teach, and for working hard during lockdown by following the blogs and completing the work I set. I hope the blogs and the work have been useful to you. Also, thank you to your families for their support throughout the year, and for the gifts sent in, too!

At the end of every year, I make Y5 pupils a little card memento to take home with them. As you aren’t here in person for me to give them to you, I have attached the personalised images to this blog. They are for you to print off at home (if you can), but don’t worry if you can’t- they won’t go anywhere, and I can print them off for you in September if you come and find me😊

Take care, all of you!

See you soon and have a lovely summer!

Miss Davies x





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