Fi Fi Fo Fum...

Date: 12th Feb 2019 @ 8:03pm

We have been very busy in Year 2 enjoying our 'Once Upon A Time' topic. Mrs Talbot- Davis and Mrs Ryan have been so impressed with how hard everyone has been working. Here is just a little snippet of some of the things we have been learning about:

In Science, we read ‘Jack and The Beanstalk’. This led to a discussion about different ways Jack could keep himself healthy and strong. We decided that regular exercise, a balanced diet and practising good hygiene were all important factors. We thought about different exercises that Jack could do, and we had a go at these ourselves whilst Mrs Ryan timed us. We wrote down what changes we noticed in our bodies after completing each exercise for one minute.


After thinking about what makes a balanced diet and looking at the different food groups, we designed a healthy vegetable soup that we knew would help to keep Jack healthy and strong. To begin with, we tasted some vegetable soups that Mrs Ryan brought in and evaluated these. It’s fair to say that not everyone was a fan of the soups- although some people really liked them and even had second helpings!

After this, we wrote our own design criteria for a home-made soup. We decided that our soup would: contain at least 3 different vegetables, be tasty, be well cooked and look appetising. We then had a go at making our own soup and were very pleased with the results!


In computing, we have been continuing our work on ‘Data Handling’ and have made our own binary trees all about different fairytale characters. Once we finished these, we enjoyed testing them out on each other- it was a bit like playing ‘Guess Who!’

Last week, we started to look at balanced discussion texts. We had lots of fun debating different issues such as: ‘Should the school day be longer?’ and ‘Should the 6 week summer holidays be shorter?’ Following this, we looked closely at a balanced discussion text about whether school uniforms should compulsory and we picked out features we though made this text effective. We then started to plan our own balanced arguments around the topic- ‘Should children be allowed to eat as many sweets as they like, whenever they like?’ We are looking forward to writing these up this week.

That’s all for now.

The Y2 team smiley