Fantastic fractions for Y1 Mathematicians

Date: 12th Jun 2020 @ 11:00pm

Hello Y1smiley

One week back after half term and it was lovely to hear that Oliver has got his zest for maths back.  He has been working hard with Mummy on reasoning and problem solving, which is the tricky bit of maths, where you have to apply your mathematical knowledge to different situations and try to work logically to find answers and explain your reasoning.  Young children find it very difficult to explain clearly how they arrived at their answers so well done Oliver for practising thisyes!  He has been going for lots of nature walks too, like I am sure lots of you have, but he has incorporated what would have been our summer topic of ‘Animals ’ into his family walks by taking photographs of all the animals he sees, especially birds, which are his favourite.  Mr Duffy loves birds too and can name them all.  On our last walk we saw a heron!  When he arrives home, Oliver researches and names the birds before painting them.  He has also practised his literacy skills by writing about his nature walks.  Perhaps Oliver, you could make a book of all the animals, plants and mini-beasts that you see over the next few weeks, during your walks, and send it to school.  I would love to see that, as I am sure Mrs Taylor would too.


In schoolin the summer term, we would have been learning about halves and quarters.  You could learn about this practically at home with your families, finding halves and quarters of different shapes and objects.  I have also put some new teaching videos and games to help you learn about these fractions on your ‘My Cities’ on the Education City website.  Go and take a lookcool!


These are the children who, up to now, have completed and been the most successful at the tasks on Education City:

Jessica, Alfie Ba, James, Scarlett and Ewan


Also, these children have made a super effort:

Stanley, Matilda, Bobby, Sam, Lucas, Maddison and Oliver

Well done for working hard everyone!  Maybe next time, we will see some different names here?


Anyway, goodbye for now.  I look forward to seeing some of you on Monday in school, but for those of you that are continuing to home school, I will look forward to hearing about some of the things that you are getting up at home.

Big Hugs

Mrs Duffy