Families, Facial features and number facts.

Date: 20th Sep 2019 @ 2:53pm

Come and See

We are continuing with our religious topic of Families.


Thank you for sending in your lovely, family photos.  The children are enjoying sharing them and telling the class all about their families.  We are showing a few photos each day, Monday to Wednesday, so there are still quite a few photographs still in class waiting to be shared.  Once your child has shared theirs they will either put it in their bag to take home or Miss will put it on our class display.


We have also been reading and talking about more psalms from the Bible.  We went on a nature walk on Monday to look at all the things in nature that God loves and cares for, like the birds and the flowers.  Some of us then collaged nature pictures whilst some of us wrote a prayer thanking God for all of the beautiful things in this world but especially our families.



Last week we launched our class topic of Marvellous Me.  As well as writing and drawing about our feelings and emotions, we have labelled individual photos of ourselves with our facial parts.  We also revised the external body parts through song and games.



We have continued sequencing and ordering numbers as well as learning how to find 1 more and 1 less than. 

We also shared comparing vocabulary, such as, fewer, fewest, bigger, smaller, more, less, equal and greater.  If you could continue to use such vocabulary with your child whilst they are working with numbers it will obviously help them to fully understand their meanings.  Thank you!