Exciting electricity

Date: 16th Mar 2020 @ 3:12pm

Exciting Electricity!

Our new topic in science is Electricity. As part of this topic, we are going to be exploring the different components of an electrical circuit and how they contribute to the effectiveness of a circuit's performance. Our first lesson involved learning the different scientific symbols for the components. We then moved on, this week, to look at how circuits work and what they need to be complete. 

Our first activity was to become a human circuit. The photograph below shows how we were all asked to be parts of a circuit- the hoop was the electricity flowing through our circuit. We talked about what would happen if one part of the circuit was broken or wasn't connected. This affected how the electricity flowed through the circuit. 


Next, we were given the job of an electrician for the afternoon! We were asked to look at diagrams of circuits, make a prediction about whether it would work or not, then replicate the circuit using some equipment we had been given. We really enjoyed being hands-on with the electrical equipment today.