End of Summer 1!

Date: 20th May 2021 @ 4:58pm


Hi all,

We’ve had a really happy and productive first half of this summer term and the children have all continued to impress me with their superb behaviour for learning.  Today we finally finished our “African Animals” non-chronological reports and the children have wowed me with their knowledge! They have enjoyed using a combination of home research, internet research and information books to find out fascinating facts all about African animals.  The finished reports are amazing and all the children enjoyed sharing them with each other in class.

In mathematics we enjoyed learning all about the properties of 2d and 3d shapes and enjoyed exploring with 3d shapes and spotting how many different shapes we can see in our environment.  Currently we are working on recognising halves, quarters and thirds and using this to find out different fractions of shapes and amounts.  It is quite tricky but we are learning some effective  methods to help us work out these fractions.  We will continue with this unit when we return after half-term.

During our “Come and See” lessons we have been learning about Pentecost and the gift of the Holy Spirit.  We retold the story in our own words and imagined how the disciples felt when Jesus returned to his Father in Heaven.  As always, the children blew me away with their insightful and thoughtful responses.

The children have been enjoying our ‘Hot and Cold’ topic this half term. We have been using the computers to learn about different hot and cold places around the world including Africa, Peru and the Polar regions. We have learnt about Chereponi, a small town in Ghana in Africa, and have compared how life there is different to our lives here in the UK. As part of our Science lessons, we have learnt about different plants and animals found in Africa and the Polar Regions and have been thinking about how these are adapted to suit their environment. We have learnt about explorers such as Robert Falcon Scott and his mission to the South Pole. We have written diary entries about how he felt on his journey.

After half term, we are looking forward to making our very own African safari vehicles and African masks and exploring traditional African patterns and music.

Well done to all our superstars, house point and trophy winners and our good work awards for this half term.

What a jolly half term we have all had!

Have a lovely break and stay safe. See you all in two weeks!

The Y2 team