End of Spring 1 in Year 5!

Date: 19th Feb 2023 @ 9:57pm

Well what a half-term it has been in Year 5!

We have learned so many new and exciting things since Christmas- it feels like every half term that comes along is the best half term of them all!


Our Spring 1 topic was 'Stargazers', which linked nicely with our previous topic all about our 'Wonderful World'.

We started with Science- learning all about gravity and Sir Isaac Newton. We even took part in an experiment to find the relationship between an item's mass and weight.  We also discovered the planets of our Solar System (in order!)


In R.E. we have been discussing what Life Choices are in relation to Christianity, and how marriage and how we treat others links to us being like Jesus. Next half-term is our Lent topic in more detail, too in the run up to Easter!

Literacy- we discovered a love for The Iron Man by Ted Hughes, which we read together in record time!

Over the course of the last 5 weeks we looked closely at Newspaper Reports and unpicked their features, which lead us to write our very own article about the Iron Man and the Space-Bat-Angel-Dragon (examples to follow). 

In Maths we have zoomed fantastically through our Multiplication and second Fractions topic, which will lead us on nicely to Decimals and Percentages in Spring 2!

Our favourite PSHE lesson was an Equality Act book we discovered called 'Dreams of Freedom' which explores the Human Rights Act and encourages us to be unique and true to ourselves. The children discussed a series of quotes from famous people over time and illustrated their favourites- it was truly inspiring!

I think it is safe to say, however, that our DT topic this half term will take some beating.


We had a BLAST adapting a basic muffin recipe to make healthier options in small groups. 

There was lots of tasting going on, which is always a favourite in Y5!

Check out the pictures in our 'Gallery' section.


Hope you have had a wonderful half-term break and here's to another successful half-term in Y5 at St Mary's.

Toodle-oo! :)