End of September Blog

Date: 2nd Oct 2020 @ 5:58pm

Hello Everyonesmiley

Well, what have we been up to since we last blogged you?  The children have been reading the book, ‘My Huge Bag of Worries’ with Mrs Taylor and completing written work about their feelings and emotions.  Also in literacy, since this Thursday was National Poetry Day, they have been reciting poetry and writing their own rhymes and lines of poetry.  I was soooooo impressedyes in maths, as after we had completed our work on comparative language, I introduced some of the children to the inequalities symbols.  I thought they would find this difficult but most of the children were fantastic at it!  It is normally only introduced in Y2 but I thought we would try it and I was very impressed with their understanding.  The children all labelled an A4 photo of themselves with their facial features in Science and read and wrote some psalms in Come and See.  As our current Come and See topic is ‘Families’ we finished off the topic learning about Jesus’ family and what life was like for Jesus growing up as a small child.  We will start our new topic of ‘Belonging’ which is all about Baptism next week.  In art, Mrs Taylor has introduced the children to the work of an artist called Paul Klee who likes to take a line for a walk!  The children really enjoyed completing work in the style of Mr Klee.

From Mrs Duffyheart