End of Autumn Term Blog

Date: 13th Dec 2020 @ 4:18pm

Hello Everyonesmiley!

We have had a very busy half term!

You have learnt all about waiting for Christmas during Advent and how we can get our heartsheart ready for Jesus’ birthday.  You have made lots of Advent promises for each day of our Advent calendar about how you are going to help your mums and dads during this extremely busy time of year. You have retold the stories of the Annunciation and Christmas in your own words and both Mrs Taylor and I were so proud of your singing for the KS1 Nativity.  Your mums and dads won’t have long to wait now until, fingers crossed, the video will be successfully uploaded onto the school website.  We are sure there will be a lot of proud mums and dads smileygrinning from ear to ear out there when they see it!  I hope they like your Christmas cards and all the love sent with them.  I have kept all of Callum’s and Matthew’s cards from nursery and primary school and I love to put them up every Christmas!


As well as Christmas work, you have done some super writing about ‘Giraffes Can’t Dance’ and ‘The Wizard of Oz’, and worked hard adding, subtracting, comparing and ordering numbers as well as learning about tens and ones, place value and shape.  We are busy finding out how much of your phonics you have learnt and will let your mums and dads know how you are doing with this after Christmas.  We love hearing you read and it is lovely to see how you are applying your phonics and other strategies to your reading in class.  Don’t forget to keep reading over Christmas.  You never know Santa might have put a few new books in your sackwink!


Keep going on the Numbots I have set up for you as this will help with your mental recall of number and calculation facts.  This is something you can do instead of saying, ‘I am bored’ prior to 25th December, as we know you won’t be bored after then!  Also if you are one of the children for whom I have set up ‘Teach your Monster to Read’ please continue to access this, as you don’t want your monsters being lonely over Christmas!  In the New Year I will add some more phonics to your Education City My Cities and I will also try and add some maths activities to them, as well, so you can keep practising your maths.


Have a wonderful Christmas children!

Love from Mrs Duffyheart