Eco-council Blog January/February 2018

Date: 22nd Feb 2018 @ 3:54pm

Eco-council Update

The soil and ground was frozen after Christmas, so we researched what activities we could do indoors.  We learnt about sustainability and other organisationas involved in Eco matters all over the World - we have shared what we found with this blog. 

The Eco-council decided to recycle food waste. There were plenty of over-ripe bananas around school, so instead of throwing them away into the bin we decided to promote making small changes to contribute to the reduction of our school's carbon footprint. We baked banana loaf for our classmates and we even recycled the banana peel and egg shells by putting them onto our compost heap. Can you think of ways you can reduce your carbon footprint at home during the winter months?

We also helped to tidy the outdoor area for reception class and we got to meet the baby chicks when they hatched!

Once it started to get warmer towards the end of the half term, Eco-council members were keen to begin planting. We realised that a cold snap might cause frost that could kill off any sprouting shoots, so we decided to give them a head start by planting the bulbs into pots. They did really well over the half term holidays and we will be adding them to the front of the school very soon as part of our blooming school initiative, where we plan to plant and grow flowers around the school grounds to encourage bees and butterflies as well as making school more pleasant.  All the bulbs and seeds have been kindly donated by members of the Eco-council, if you have old flower bulbs or seeds - even vegetable seeds that you may not need, please send them in so we can plant them around the school.

In this first week back we have been very busy. Eco-council has received a donation of bird feeders, seeds and nuts. They decided to promote bird population in two areas of the school - reception class garden and the wooded area at the side of year 1 and 2 classrooms. This lead Eco-council members to plan a clear-up of the wooded area and we began working on this today. We are clearing the twigs and logs - recycling them to make a bug hotel and hedgehog habitat. We are also litter picking and removing plastics from the area and ask everyone to be mindful of where they put their litter. Eco-council will soon be adding the bird feeders to the woods. If you have old bird feeders or any other materials we might be able to use in our regeneration project in the wooded area, do please send them into school they will be much appreciated.

We also welcome a new member to Eco-council who was voted on unanimously, welcome Mischa - we hope you have lots of fun with us throughout the rest of the year as well as contributing to improving and promoting caring for the environment throughout the school.

Eco-council will keep you all updated as to what we have been up to and in the coming weeks hopefully our work will become more apparent as plants begin to grow, we have already found some snowdrops blooming in the woods!  

National Events

RSPB Big Schools' Bird Watch ends on 23rd February.

Keep Britain Tidy Great British Spring Clean 2nd to the 4th March.

Local Events

Greenslate Farm have many events such as Mother's Day Afternoon Tea, Bird Box Making and Gardening for Wildlife Workshops - as well as live music, the Straw Bale Cafe and other events - check out their website for details. 

The Boat House on Carr Mill Dam is now serving food such as full English breakfasts and fish and chips as well as warm drinks that allows for a nice break - it is also dog friendly so do pop in if you're taking a stroll to blow off those winter cobwebs around the Dam, it is a great local resource within walking distance.  They also hold activities there like archery, yoga, outdoor pursuits, powerboat racing and much more!

Additionally, Billinge Library are running an event on Friday 2nd March at 10.15a.m. for pre-school children called 'Sow, Grow and Eat' where they will be reading stories, learning how seeds grow and talking about how fruit and vegetables are good for us.  

We will keep you all up to date of any events  both locally and nationally that we learn about in our ongoing research!  

Tillie, Anya, Rebecca, Ellouise, Harry, Katie, Lucie, Lloyd and Mischa wink