Welcome Eco-council 2017/2018 - Autumn Blog

Date: 20th Oct 2017 @ 4:11pm

The Eco Council started in September with a very entusiastic group of Y6 children. At our first meeting we decided on a Chairperson - Tillie, Vice Chairperson - Anya and our Secretary Rebecca, the rest of the team are Ellouise, Harry, Katie, Lucie and Lloyd. They all have Eco-council badges so you know who they are.

Our main tasks so far have been...

*collecting apples and pears from the fruit trees and Cook made some delicious crumbles with them.

*working very hard in the Reception Class garden cleaning up leaves, weeding, planting and generally making it look better.

*planting bulbs that should produce yellow and blue (our school colours) flowers at the front of school to make it nice in Springtime and encourage insects.

*doing an assembly to tell the school about our work and asking the children to respect what we are doing and not pick or stand on any of the new plants.

As you can see we have been very busy and we will continue the gardening and have more new things to do. We'll add another blog at the end of next half term.