Day 2- Tuesday 24th March

Date: 24th Mar 2020 @ 8:31am

Good Morning, Year 6  smiley

Another day has arrived. I hope you are all working hard and have made a good start on your learning packs. 

Don't forget about Joe Wicks' PE lesson at 9:00 on his YouTube channel- yesterday's lesson is still there to view in case you missed it. It is a really good way to get active, get your blood flowing and prepare yourself mentally for the day ahead. Please make sure you take good care of yourselves and your bodies. PE is good for the body and mind. 

Today, why not make a start on one of your projects? You could use household items to make your boat (empty packages, jars, tin foil, etc) and test it out to see if it floats. I'm really looking forward to seeing all of your boats and putting them to the test when we get back to school! yes


Also, don't forget there is the option to work electronically via Purple Mash, Education City and Times Tables Rockstars. I know the sites were a little slow yesterday; this is because lots of people are trying to access it at the same time. Please persevere- I managed to get onto all sites eventually and once I was on, it worked perfectly fine. I have set lots of homework on Education City (30 tasks to be precise!) and I can keep track of who is completing them and what scores they are getting. 

So, work hard, get active and most importantly, look after yourselves and your families. If you do anything exciting or you want to show me your boats, you can send pictures to the school email address. Mrs Hymers will be putting together a newsletter that you could be involved in. 

Stay safe and keep learning.

Speak to you again tomorrow,

Mrs Naylor  
