Day 1 of Home Learning

Date: 23rd Mar 2020 @ 11:58am

Morning, all!

Well, day one of your home learning has arrived. I hope you're all working hard on the packs you've been given! 

As a little morning wake-up, you could always take part in Joe Wicks' PE lessons (they are on each morning at 9:00- on his YouTube channel 'TheBodyCoachTV'). This would be a great way to start your day! is the link you can follow for today's lesson. 

Here at school, we have already made good progress with our packs- particularly our maths and SPaG tests. We have had a busy morning, working hard on our packs and we have spent a little time outside, too. Remember, it is important that you keep your distance from others wherever possible and continue to wash your hands as often as possible. 

Please remember you have daily activities to do: you could complete some maths activities in your booklet, do a test or a mental arithmetic paper. There is a lot to keep you occupied. 

If you are struggling to find something else to do, or you fancy a break from your paper-based pack, there is work set for you to complete on EducationCity (, or you can try your hand at Times Tables Rockstars, where you can challenge your friends to beat your score. is the link you can follow to play!

Remember to stay safe and make sure you keep working- don't let all your hard work so far this year be forgotten!

I will speak to you all tomorrow!

Mrs Naylor yeslaughyes