Consolidating time

Date: 28th Jun 2017 @ 10:57am

Welcome to Year 3's weekly blog. After all the excitment we had during Art Week last week, it has been strange getting back into our routine of daily lessons. We have been working extremely hard (as always). Below you will find some examples of what we have been learning about.



In numeracy lessons this week, we have been consolidating our understanding of time. Miss Barnes is very impressed with the effort we have been putting in, and we are becoming increasingly confident at telling the time on an analogue clock to the nearest five minutes. We have been challenged this week to add and subtract time. Some of the questions we have been completing include:

1. What time is it 13 minutes after 1:57?

2. If I run for 90 minutes and I stop at 9:30, what time did I start running?

We have also been looking at bus and train timetables and we are learning to interpret them and answer questions about them. We are learning to compare durations of events, too.

Image result for bus timetable simple



In literacy lessons, we have been continuing to learn about play scripts. So far, we have text marked a play script, performed a play script, looked at stage directions and we have turned a conversation into play script format. This week, we are planning to write our own play script based on our favourite stories. Miss Barnes showed us how to plan a play script based on one of her favourite stories (Beauty and The Beast). Over the next few lessons, we will be continuing to plan and write our own play scripts, before placing some finished pieces on the website. Keep your eyes peeled!

Image result for eyes



In science lessons, we are learning about plants and growth. This week, we have planned an investigation. In Year 3, we are learning to take part in a range of scientific enquiries. This particular investigation is an observation investigation, in which we will be observing changes over time. We have planted some seeds and placed them in different locations to see how they will develop and grow over time.


We placed some seeds in the fridge to observe the effects of no heat on a plant.

Image result for icicle

We placed some seeds in a dark cupboard with water to see the effects of no light on a plant.

Image result for dark room

Finally, we placed some seeds in the sunlight without water to see the effects of no water on a plant.

Image result for no water clipart