Combination Chaos

Date: 10th May 2017 @ 10:45am


This week in maths, we have been consolidating our understanding of multiplication. We can now multiply 2 and 3 digit numbers by one number confidently using the grid method. Below is an example of the grid method.

                                              Image result for grid method

Also in maths this week, we have been problem-solving detectives. Miss Barnes gave us the task of unlocking combination padlocks, but we had to work out the combination by following the clues given to us.

At the end of the lesson, we shared our learning and opened the surprise box that had been lurking at the front of our classroom. We were so excited to find out what was inside it!  At the bottom of the page, you will find some photographs of the box and its contents (although not all of the contents- we ate some of those!)



In literacy this week, we have been continuing with our class text, 'Billionaire Boy'. We are now up to chapter 8 and we have even been reading the text in our Guided Reading sessions. We are still thoroughly enjoying the text and this week, we have started to compose our very own newspaper report about the famously rich Joe Spud.  So far, we have written headlines (Miss Barnes was extremely impressed with our headlines, which include 'BILLIONAIRE BUMFRESH BOY LIES', 'SPUD'S GOT THE GOODS' and 'SPUD'S SECRET SPENDING). 

We then went on to write the 'nose' of our article. This is the opening paragraph, which gives all the information you need to understand what the article is about. 

Image result for nose clipart


We will be continuing with our articles in future literacy lessons and our final drafts should be hot off the press in the next week. Keep an eye out for some finished examples of our articles in the next two weeks!



In science this week, we have been learning about reflective materials. We had the important task of testing materials to see how reflective they were. Before testing the materials, we made a prediction and talked about which material we thought would be most reflective. Our materials included:

  • Paper
  • Tissue
  • Tin foil
  • Cardboard

When we tested the materials, we discovered that tin foil was the most reflective and cardboard was the least reflective. 


Image result for tin foilImage result for cardboard

Finally, we were given a very important job to do. We had to use what we had learned to design our very own book bag with reflective elements to it. This would keep children safe when walking at night.

Some of our designs were amazing and very fashionable.