Christmas Preparations And More...

Date: 11th Dec 2020 @ 3:00pm

Hello everyone!

Its Mrs Ryan here. We’ve had another busy week in Year 2 with lots of fun learning taking place. Once again, a special mention to all those children who have received stickers, house points, critters, certificates of achievement, “superstar status” and the weekly “Good Work Award”. Please see the newsletter for more details. We're very proud of you all. 

We have now finished filming our very special nativity- ‘The Bossy King’. It will be available to view on our website soon- watch this space!

In our Science lessons, we have been busy planting poppy seeds and storing them in different conditions.  We made predictions about what we thought would happen to each seed and, after one week, checked on them to see if any of our predictions had been accurate. We learned that in order to grow well seeds need: light, warmth, water and soil. We were also able to observe what happens when a seed does not have the right conditions for growth. 

In our DT lessons, we designed and made our own moving superhero pictures. We used our skills of measuring, marking and cutting to create sliders, wheels and levers which enabled our superheroes to fly around.

In Come and See, we wrote an account of the journey to Bethlehem from the point of view of the donkey. Mrs Ryan and Mrs TD were very impressed by the children’s use of adjectives to describe how the donkey felt during this journey. The children also tried very hard to focus on their own personal writing targets during this task.

We are all really looking forward to Christmas and next week have some lovely Christmas activities planned. On Monday, we will be making our Christmas cards. We are all very excited for our Christmas Day of Fun on Tuesday followed by Movie Night. Please see the newsletter more details.

Our topic for next term is called ‘Once Upon A Time.’ For more information about this topic please visit the Curriculum Tab on our website under ‘Year 2’.  Here you will find a mind map which gives an overview of what will be taught as well as our end points and key vocabulary.

We hope everybody has a safe and enjoyable weekend.

Take care,

Mrs Ryan & The Year 2 Team