Children In Need Week 2020

Date: 9th Nov 2020 @ 1:08pm

Children In Need 2020

This week, we are completing some activities relating to Children In Need's theme for this year- Five to Thrive. 

The focus this year is on mental health and well-being, due to the pandemic that has taken over the news, changed the way we live our daily lives, and left our children feeling vulnerable and worried. 


Each day, we will be completing some activities relating to mindfulness, growth mindset, friendships, feelings and physical activity. It is important to keep our minds and bodies healthy during trying times such as these! This blog will be updated each day this week, so you can see exactly what we are learning and how we are raising awareness. 



This morning, we picked ducks! Children In Need hold an annual rubber duck race, which is absolutely brilliant. We watched the 2019 race back and really enjoyed it, so this year, we are having a class sweepstake. We each picked the name of a duck out of a basket and we will be watching the live feed on Friday to see whose duck is victorious! Mrs Naylor has promised a prize to the winning person/ people. 


In the afternoon, we talked about the 'Connect' aspect of five to thrive. We discussed how it is important to talk about our feelings and we considered who we usually talk to when we feel different things. We watched a video clip on the Children In Need website and then completed an activity, where we had to think about our best friends and what made them special. 


Come back tomorrow to see what else we will be getting up to! wink



Today's focus is called 'Take Notice'. We watched a short video clip about journalling and how it is important to recognise our feelings and respond to them. 

After watching the video, we completed a short journalling activity for the day: on it, we wrote some goals for the day, we listed the things we are grateful for and we thought about things that might be worrying us and how we can ease those worries.

Finally, we listened to some relaxing music and completed a mindfulness colouring sheet, which had lots of positive words on there (generous, positive, kind, loving, etc). 


I wonder what Wednesday will bring? laugh



Today's focus is on 'Getting Active'. We watched a short video clip with Joe, 'The Body Coach' Wicks, before completing some short 5 minute-mover activities outside on a carousel. 

We enjoyed taking part in these exercises and it was a good excuse to get outside, enjoy some fresh air and have fun together. It reminded us of the benefits of being active on our minds and bodies- plus, it was a good excuse to have a catch up with friends, too! 

Come back tomorrow to see what else we get up to... 


Today, we learned to 'Be Curious'. We discovered that it is good to try new things and challenge yourself. 

As part of our Five to Thrive session, we watched a video on the BBC Children In Need website. This video really inspired us to go away and find something new or challenging that we would like to do. We learned all about disk golf (basically, golf but with frisbees instead of golf clubs and balls). It looks like great fun! 

Tomorrow is the big duck race; we are very excited to see whose duck will win. The race is going to be held at 1pm tomorrow afternoon live on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube, so we will be watching and cheering our ducks on. 

Come back tomorrow and find out who the winner is! 


Today was the day... Duck day! We geared ourselves up for the big race. 

First, we completed an activity about completing acts of kindness. We watched a video about being kind to others and how it makes us- and other people- happy. 

At 1:45, we sat down to watch the race. It was Mrs Naylor and Lottie who were victorious! Quackman and Bobbin' won the race! We were very excited watching and absolutely loved it. 


Overall, this week has been fun and informative. We are definitely now more open to trying new things, sharing kindness and connecting with our family and friends by talking about our feelings.

Thank you, Children In Need: this week's been a blast!