Busy, busy, busy

Date: 9th Nov 2017 @ 4:27pm

We have been very busy in year 3.

This week we went on our school trip to the Liverpool Cathedral, where we had a fascinating guided tour. We learned all about the Cathedral and how it was designed. Year 3 where flabbergasted by the size and when we walked inside we could not believe our eyes. It was incredible! Our tour guide told us all about the stained glass windows and how the change in colour corresponded with where the light shines through. We had a fantastic time!

Today we had another very exciting day. We tasted the different ingredients needed to make a healthy sandwich. We had so much fun looking at the appearance, smell, flavour and texture of the different foods. Some of us even tried new things for the first time!

We are all looking forward to finishing our DT project and designing a healthy sandwich.


In literacy, we have been learning all about information texts and we are starting to write our very own information text all about the Egyptians.


In numeracy, we have been learning all about 2D and 3D shapes. We had a great time looking at the properties of the shapes. We even drew some 2D shapes and made some 3D shapes using nets!


In come and see, we are starting our new topic, all about promises. This week we explored ways of keeping promises to a group or a club. We found out that lots of us are committed to different clubs, such as beavers, brownies, dancing sports and many more.


Take a look at our gallery to see what we’ve been up to!