Brilliant biographies!

Date: 24th Oct 2019 @ 8:51am

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Come and See

We are coming to the end of our topic, 'Vocation and Commitment' this week. Over the past four weeks, we have enjoyed learning all about the Sacrament of Ordination, Father Paul's journey to becoming a priest, people who devote their lives to their vocation by joining religious orders and much more. We have celebrated our learning as a class and planned our own act of collective worship. We will be delivering our worship today (Thursday 24th October). 

Our next topic, which will start after the half term, is Hinduism. We are all really looking forward to learning about another religion.



In literacy lessons, we have been working towards a finished piece of writing, which is going to be assessed and placed in our writing portfolios. We have been writing biographies about famous Britons (linking with our work on British Values). In honour of the 2020 Olympics in Tokyo, we decided to write biographies about famous British Olympians. Mrs Naylor has been really impressed by our writing and as a result of these assessed pieces, we have been given targets, which we will be encouraged to achieve in our future literacy lessons. Some of the finished pieces are on display on our British Values display in the entrance to school (opposite the Year 5 door). 

Image result for british values